It’s been a while since I posted about any of the rooms in our house, so I thought that there really was no time like the present? Over the summer I decided to make a few changes to our bedroom, and I have been getting so many questions about it since I posted photos on Instagram, that I thought it would be a nice idea to share where everything is from . It just needed a breath of fresh air, and a couple of practical changes too.
First the big changes… Well, the ugliest of radiators has been haunting me in that room since we moved in. I loved the ones that we bought from Soak earlier in the year (for the downstairs of the house) so much, that I decided to go for the same in the main bedroom. Our window is really low down (I think that was how the Victorians made windows? Either that or they were all tiny?!); so I went for a long and low radiator to run along the length of the wall. I had no idea the difference it would make making a simple change like this in the room, but it really changes the look of the room and pumps out some serious heat too.
The fireplace in our bedroom had been black metal and wood when we moved in. I had since painted the mantle about fifty shades of grey before settling on the right one. So, naturally, I now wanted to scrap that idea entirely and paint the whole thing mint? I’ll be honest here, I think I have spent too long on Pinterest eyeing up every pastel shade of fireplace and thinking “I could do that?” Well, I did bloody well did it; and you know something else? It was easy and I love it. I painted the whole thing (wooden surround and metal centre) in a wood and metal primer, and then added two coats of Little Greene paint (Flat Oil Eggshell) in Aquamarine Light. It has brightened up the room so much, and looks brilliant with the white mirror over it. I cannot believe I didn’t think to do it before?
Once I had made a couple of bigger aesthetic changes to the room, I really wanted to have fun with a few new details to change the look of the room. I wanted to make the most of the space above our bed headboard. Before it had been occupied by a single print and it was beginning to look decidedly lonely in that space. I wanted something that would fill the space and still look elegant and unimposing. I had been searching for some vintage prints for the space, but struggled to find the right ones or the right frames. That was until I contacted Hayley at Ivy Joan, who said she could help me! Ivy Joan specialise in sourcing vintage “bits and pieces” for styling. Within a couple of weeks Hayley had found exactly what I was after (see similar here on Ivy Joan’s website). I bought some frames with mounts from Amazon (see here) and they fitted perfectly.
I also wanted to try and bring some plants into our bedroom (Yes, I know I always kill them, but I thought I would give it another go), so I added some greenery with a houseplant that the lady in the garden centre assured me is virtually indestructible, and some succulents (which I just about manage to keep clinging onto life). All of the pots have a cement look and feel, which I love as I really wanted the accessories in our room to have a parred back feel. My favourite pot is from Neptune (available here).
Hayley also sourced some brilliant vintage jars and bottles from Ivy Joan to add character to the room. Plus some really sweet little candles made from recycled vintage pots, that look brilliant on the mantle piece. Alongside them I added some books (I recent publication that you might recognise?), and a vintage book (about dogs, obviously, a little tribute to Boris!) also picked up from Ivy Joan.
To add a final touch of freshness to the room I updated our bedlinen. I try and buy new sheets every year and rotate two sets so that they don’t wear out or lose colour. These ones are the white version of the Avignon bed linen bought from The White Company (I loved it so much I bought it again!).
It’s only a few small changes made, but it’s made it feel like a whole new room! I think it will be my last mini project before the kitchen extension starts (soon!), I am taking a break from actually doing anything to the house as it’s all about the planning for the next stage *Runs back to Pinterest…*
Elle x
Although I often tag where everything is from on Instagram, here’s a full list from our room with everything linked (Just incase you missed it)-
Wall Colour- Farrow & Ball “Wevet”
Paint Work- Farrow & ball “All White”
Bed- Loaf
Bedside Tables- Brissi
Bedside Lampshades- Made by me using Peony & Sage fabric
Full Length Mirror- Brissi
Over mantle Mirror- One.World
Pine Chest of drawers- Vintage (victorian) from Ebay
White Chest of drawers- Ikea (Hemnes)
Chest of drawers handles- Anthropologie
Feather Light shade- Eos (medium size)
Shutters- Similar Available from California Shutters
Bed spread/ Quilt- The White Company
White Waffle Bed Cushions- The White Company
Pink Bed Cushions- Cox & Cox
I’m also looking for a similarly indestructible room plant!!! What type is yours? Xx